Friday, April 30, 2010

Iron Mountain, provider of online data backup offers solution for Microsoft DPM CloudRecovery

Iron Mountain CloudRecovery Solution includes support for 2010 DPM, scalability increased and added protection disaster in the Microsoft applications such as Hyper-V, Exchange, SharePoint, and SQL Server

BOSTON, 19 April 2010, BUSINESS WIRE: Iron Mountain Incorporated, services company management information, today announced a new version of its CloudRecovery (R) for Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) solution.With Iron Mountain CloudRecovery solution, customers of Microsoft DPM can automatically protect their data with secure enterprise cloud Iron Mountain for short - and long terme.Cette version off-site storage includes support DPM 2010, terabyte scale and new options for extra data protection.

"Since the announcement of our partnership strategic with Microsoft in January 2009 to offer customers DPM solution CloudRecovery, made us significant to support continuous protection data and disaster recovery of Microsoft in the cloud platforms improvements" said Ramana Venkata, President, Iron Mountain Digital, arm technology company. "Our customers needs for the storage, management and use of information on the scene - and in the cloud, requires innovative hybrid solutions for managing information as Iron Mountain CloudRecovery."

The new version of Iron Mountain CloudRecovery will support for 2010 DPM, in addition to continued support for DPM 2007 Service Pack 1.To support the rapid growth of enterprise data, the solution also provides increased scalability - terabyte servers.

"We have systems that are always and always disponible.Ceci is especially true when it comes to backup and restore our Microsoft - including Exchange, applications needs SQL and SharePoint," said Alan Bourassa, IOC, Empire CLS. "" "".Integrating seamlessly between Microsoft DPM and Iron Mountain CloudRecovery is the ideal solution to meet these requirements and we are pleased to leverage the new features will be available with the new version.

With this new version, Iron Mountain CloudRecovery customers have now an additional protection against claims with an opportunity to restore the SQL Server's DPM with data DPM.Autres database layer new options include an Iron Mountain TurboRestore with shuttle data services on-site hardware for quick backup and restore data, which allows customers to ship an appliance to send and receive large volumes of data without straining their networks.

Iron Mountain and Microsoft have a strategic relationship aimed at helping customers reduce risk and costs of managing information. Iron Mountain provides a wide range of information management solutions that address the data protection, archiving, compliance and eDiscovery needs, for a platform broad range of Microsoft, including Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Server 2008, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint (R) and Microsoft System Center.Les management information from Iron Mountain solutions are available as solutions on site, the clouds, and hybrids.

"" Last year, Iron Mountain and Microsoft worked together to extend the capabilities of System Center Data Protection Manager for the enterprise, so that customers can safely and securely store and manage their data online and off site, "said Paul Ross, group product marketing manager, System Center Marketing at Microsoft Corp." "with Microsoft DPM 2010 and the new version of CloudRecovery of Iron Mountain, customers can get the benefits of the seamless integration of Iron Mountain's DPM saved to Iron Mountain, with a host of new DPM 2010 improvements secure data centers."

"All but more likely risk - organisations adopt a data protection strategy that includes a copy data for restoration offsite.".More companies adopt local disk backup policy, cloud services for off-premises copy storage operator becomes an increasingly popular choice, "said Lauren Whitehouse, senior analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group.""Iron Mountain CloudRecovery solution provides an additional layer of protection of the data that Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager captures and stores, supported by an approuvés.Avec cloud provider this new version, Microsoft DPM customers can achieve seamless integration with the cloud of Iron Mountain."

The Iron Mountain CloudRecovery solution can protect native the DPM server and the data through the Secure underground data center of Iron Mountain and automatic transmission.Solution extends the capacity of the DPM server on-site by providing reliable and automated online backup and archiving of data protected by DPM, with the ability for customers to choose their ranging from 30 days to 7-year data retention policies.

For more information, please visit or

Was about to Iron Mountain Digital
Iron Mountain Digital is the leading global management information protection services provider data and recovery, archiving, eDiscovery and intellectuelle.Le arm technology of Iron Mountain Incorporated offer property management a suite of solutions for thousands of companies worldwide, directly and by means of a world of partenaires.Iron Mountain Digital network is based in Southborough, Massachusetts.

Was about to Iron Mountain
Iron Mountain Incorporated fournit des informations des services de gestion qui aident les entreprises à réduire les coûts, les risques et les insuffisances de la gestion de leurs données physiques et numériques.Solutions la société permettent aux clients de protéger et de mieux utiliser leur information–regardless de son format, l'emplacement ou la stage–so du cycle de vie, ils peuvent optimiser leur entreprise et assurer une restauration correcte, de conformité et de découverte.Fondée en 1951, Iron Mountain gère des milliards de ressources d'informations, y compris les documents d'entreprise, des fichiers électroniques, données médicales, e-mails et plus pour les organisations du monde entier.Visitez le site ou suivez les instructions de la société Twitter pour plus d'informations.

SOURCE: Iron Mountain Incorporated

Iron Mountain Incorporated
Laura Sudnik, 508-808-7528

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