Saturday, April 24, 2010

An introduction to the technology

Data de-duplication is a data backup process, which removes duplicate data. First adopted one may think that Word de-duplication means the negation of duplication! Although this is what happens in technology that connotation is not correct! Actually, this means Word de-duplication to the Division of labour, a whole two or more parts. In fact the data de-duplication mechanism shares data in blocks or blocks of data bits, to eliminate the redundant parts within data.

A typical example of the many authors on the related email attachment scenario if technology is to explain. Although in this example as understand the reader better technology will help, I would point out that mechanisms in general working data de-duplication file-level.In the interest of completeness that example is the same e-Mail attachment in many email messages may be present; however, only one copy of it during the backup or archive gespeichert.Eine simple task with processing hungry mechanism as technology less can be done.

Data de-duplication searches to find unique blocks of data in files and then calculates a hash algorithm such as MD5 or SHA-1 to generate a unique number for each block.Each number is then stored in an index.Only when files are updated, only the changed data be gespeichert.Das is stored data de-duplication other mechanisms such as such as Delta compare changed blocks or bytes sind.In which is practice, better and safer using of the space achieve combined.

Some of the benefits of data de-duplication:

Data deduplication has reduced storage requirements space and therefore, save money on hardware (disk & band) or provide remote site costs.May better recovery times in disaster recovery situations, if also planned.Most reduces especially technology then restore the data 3 articles backup must be sent over the Internet to remotely or online backups.Last GeorgeDatabase principles – April 19, 2010Data backup type - 12.April, 2010What is a data backup strategy?-29.March 2010

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