Friday, November 5, 2010

Continuous data protection backup products get new lease on life

By Curtis Preston w.

(CDP) continuous data protection technology is the future of data backup and recovery, even if the first continuous data protection products was not living up to the hype when they appeared a few années.Dans this backup protection guide continuous data, learn how continuous data, protection has changed over the years, discover popular CDP products, take a look to the CDP software and learn more about the differences between real-CDP and close to the CDP.

Many people considered continuous protection of data such as Star Trek industry backup - a good idea before his trek, may not be fully understood when it was first released, temps.Star was cancelled after three seasons. Similarly, many people think of protection continuous data is a solution to a problem, and most stores could meet backup and restore without having to completely change the way in which they have made backups, which was necessary for the protection continuous data.

There are now several products of continuous protection of data which are very well, so what has changed? change the most important is no doubt that most of today's CDP products is offered by traditional providers of backup. In fact, almost every major software company backup now has an offering of CDP. Users do not have to accept a new paradigm, and a new provider backup for CDP functionality.

The reason big next the resurgence of the CDP products have come a long way since appear them on the market. For example, you no longer choose between a copy on-site and off-site. You can do with a single product. "CDP product sampler" table below looks at some popular CDP products.

Systems CDP success today also know many more data than they save you. They offer points of integration with many popular applications such as Microsoft Exchange, Oracle, and SQL Server. Whereas a true CDP product did not need to create snapshots and can recover to any point in time, this integration allows the application or the backup system administrator can create points in time where a known good copy of the data resides.Administrators can choose to not use these good recovery points known as a retrieval operation, but they have peace of mind knowing they are there.

And, like Star Trek, it might be time for CDP: The Next Generation. Some servers have been greatly throughout recent years, and recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery (RPO) for these large servers point objectives have become more strictes.Envisager TB 300 base is mission critical for a company with potentially millions of people for their 24/7 service.Database backup system must provide instant recovery without loss of records;This is possible with the COP.

Also determine picture is data loss notification laws promulgated by 35 States and the European Union, requiring companies to add encryption systems to enable them to carry safely privacy on backup tapes.However, encryption systems, can cause slow backups and chiffrement.Avec CDP key management, a company can have on-site and off-site copies of their data without ever touching a strip, thus avoiding an encryption completely.

Server Virtualization has taken off in recent years, and the technology could benefit from continuous protection of données.alors perhaps you not the individual servers with stores data in two-digit terabyte range, it is possible the storage used by VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V or Citrix XenServer Systems is indeed this big.Think about what would happen if a 15 TB storage array containing virtual machine (VM) images suddenly disappear – it could take tens or hundreds of machines that with the fact that the backup and recovery of these VMs to traditional methods is one of the most difficult tasks, an architect from backup system must take physical compte.La virtuelles.Couple is your ennemi.20 VMs on a single physical machine perform as a physical during backup machine.

But if physics is your enemy, CDP is your best ami.Un good product COP puts more load on your virtual machine with a typical virus protection package and it is able to find one or all of your virtual machines instantly without any loss in données.Virtualisation servers only could announce the return of continuous data protection.

Editorial Board:Click here to read the next section of this guide about continuous data protection software.

W. Curtis Preston was an editor-in-Chief in TechTarget storage media group and independent backup expertise.

This article was previously published in Storage magazine.

View the original article here

1 comment:

  1. Nice review, I loved the star trek analogy (: I also reckon it's time for the "next generation". It seems that these days there are just higher and higher demands and standards for disaster recovery plans and backups, and what was considered a good plan a few years back just won't cut it nowadays.
